Copyright 1978-2019
Jesse W. Collins II
The Original “Etiotropic” - 41 Years Strategically addressing Trauma’s Etiology
Relevant Essays, OPEDs, Short Stories
and the incremental and social value of the American people.
And, defending them against antagonist ideology, unsolicited
Identifying, celebrating and maintaining tradition, heritage
transformation, and existential threat.
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Pertinent Information . . .
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A Definition . . .
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“Psychological Trauma (PTSD): Cope or Cure?!”
Addressing Inter-Industry/Methodology/Epistemology Competitive Differences
Summarizing the matter pertaining to “Cope or Cure.”
“Cope” refers to the Nosotropic/Behavioral control approach. Learn to cope with symptoms.
“Cure” refers to the Etiotropic or etiology-resolution method. Remove/reverse/expunge
There is no cure or ending of the application, and thus is akin to playing Whack-O-Mole.
etiology. By theorem and practice, symptoms cannot exist without an etiology.
Cope refers to Nosotropic (Behavioral Symptom Focused) Applications
Cure refers to Etiotropic (Etiology Reversal Focused) Applications
Select the most appropriate approach for the client.
More . . .
It’s caused by ideological, methodological, economic and political struggles ongoing
between professional, self-help, research and academic narratives conflictually
vying for denominationally-styled ascendancy within the psychological trauma,
substance abuse, and pharmacological treatment industries. The storm/melee,
Apply Strategic Human Ontological Management
To Overcome an Ever-Strengthening National and Civilizational
itself, causes more disturbance/trauma, and makes the society vulnerable to
predator ideology, exploitation, manipulation and prospective destruction.
Computer applications for ETM TRT SHOM
are in development with 2017 being the
target date for availability.
Assuming you are a patient of a
Certified ETM TRT Clinician,
follow that professional’s directions.
Relationship Schematic: ETM TRT SHOM
TRT is clinially applied
to individuals
SHOM is applied
to communities
ETM administers TRT
and SHOM applications
Assessment and strategic
application of ETM TRT
SHOM protocols/theory
TRT is clinically applied
to individuals