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Copyright 1979-2012    Jesse W. Collins II
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There is a story here. And it should be told to not just understand better ETM TRT SHOM, but to shed light in this overview on a controversy - the curability or not of psychological trauma and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). That conflict now dramatically encumbers most facets of health care and crisis management in virtually all cultures within the part of the world which allows discussion of such matters. So if this is  a serious subject to you and you  want to get to one of the cores of successful problem solving regarding the issue of psychological trauma, PTSD and their managerial consequences, please bear with us through this particular introductory level expression. By 1987, following eight years of TRT ETM development and application in both controlled and thoroughly  restricted by government and the most highly regarded health care credentialing standards, the Behaviorist trained academe C. B. Scrignar, while at Tulane University in New Orleans, launched his own book regarding his  perceptions of psychological trauma and post traumatic stress disorder. Writing from the objective view of a  Behaviorally-trained (by Wolpe) and thus oriented scholar, Scrignar said (pg 161) that psychodynamic models didn’t work because they, referring to the practitioner, trauma affected patient, and the psychodynamic model (usually  analysis as in free association, Person Centered Therapy, or the like - approaches that generally focused both  introspectively and interrogatorially on interior thinking and feeling dynamics of Being, the processing of its  existence, and its understanding) became overloaded or “overwhelmed” by the total of the destruction done to or  change imposed upon that interior by the trauma-causing event(s). That “interior” when, as you will see in the  treatment world of ETM TRT SHOM, addressed daedally (incrementally with precision) will be found to conform to a sequela  (following an ordered and sequitur path) of influences upon the existential elements of identity and the  changes brought about (to that element of identity) by the traumatic event(s). That “sequela” is actually the process of molecular extinction of the synaptic substrate of that pretrauma identity; it is defined, described and addressed in this (Etiotropic Series) literature in considerable detail, albeit not in this section. The consequence to the discipline of psychology was substantial. The 1930s originated Behavioral Therapy (BT)  movement and its 1960s-to-today reformation called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which was produced out of, and then got not just legs, but wings in and from academia (in this view, because Y and I, meaning “Young and  Inexperienced” students entering the professional work force like to tell people how to do things - like show olders how to live life better, which advice-giving and telling is a core component of CBT), took on the mantra  “Psychodynamic models don’t work when applied to psychological trauma; so all we can do is teach people to adapt new and corrective life behaviors that are no longer, subsequent to their edification, affected by the trauma.” Hence the idea that one could only learn to cope with trauma’s behaviors, also called PTSD symptoms, became the  mainstay clinical approach for that movement (again, stemming from Behaviorism’s and its CBT renovations march into and imposition upon the referenced - West Civ - cultures). Because that newer (CBT) approach didn’t work  either, the overarching mantra championed and while simultaneously increasing its speed of influence on the hearts and minds of new psychotherapists, and then strengthened again through the didactic methods available from (other didactic-based mediums such as) books and their commercial marketing merger with talk-show-oriented television - another didactic- as opposed to psychodynamically-based contextual helping  arena -  as we worked our way  through the end of the twentieth and then headed into the twenty-first century, was that, conclusively, the CBTers  said, “There was no cure for PTSD.” Nonsense; with one exception. They are right that there is no cure or possibility of complete resolution of  psychological trauma within that treatment and even now more often self-help based paradigms dependent upon   BT, CBT and other didactic-based constructs, which intellectual failures are so because they do not account for the existential aspects of that required (and providing the mainstay within psychodynamic modalities) to address the  etiology of trauma. So to make this turn out right (for themselves and the rest of the world as they were/are trying to define it), the BTer and CBTer need to say “WE don’t know how to cure psychological trauma and PTSD.” And  again, “WE are also not the total of the world of thought, expression and help, as our adaptive-life-instructing  modality otherwise sometimes requires that we think of ourselves.” That is, there is more to the helping world than didactic based BT and CBT styled health care, unless, I guess, one only watches TV talk shows. What neither Scrignar nor the BT and CBT constructs ever addressed, no matter that he and they were confronted with the issue through our training of and converting his staff-academe trainees and other followers (our model was born almost a decade earlier only a few miles down the block on Interstate-10 in Houston, Texas, and then employed throughout that state and also in Scrignar’s-Tulane’s backyard of Louisiana), was the application of a structure to the address of all that “overwhelmedness” that the Behaviorists tended to encounter and not know what to do with (and importantly, until the Behaviorists’ reformation really got going - that occurred last week - their additional  motto taken from the lexicon of science, was “If we can’t see it, it didn’t happen.”). Trauma Resolution Therapy (TRT) was that structure. And, it subdued, as in conquered, the referenced trauma-  caused, but actually BT and CBT modalities-caused overwhelmedness experienced by all participants. Hence, in  response to the actual and anticipation of the ensuing controversy (that I assumed had to come), as anything coming out of the BT or CBT learning process doesn’t like to be shown that there is something else in the world to  understand regarding how the human consciousness functions, particularly if doing so differently than what the  advice-giving based CBTer has used to build his or her own foundations of human  reality, I entitled our first  (written and published in booklet forms as educational materials for patients and therapists between 1985-1988)  available published work Trauma Resolution Therapy (TRT): a STRUCTURED psychodynamic approach to the  treatment of PTS (meaning Post-traumatic stress). Parenthetically, and as explained in other writings, I left the “D” for disorder off that title on purpose; it evoked  Behaviorism contextual perspectives of the problem that interfered with not just the application of the remedy  (ours) in practice, but in the teaching of it in the academic setting. That is, the book was primarily intended to serve as a text for the students of our course taught at the University of Houston (1986-1990). The next page explains a little of what that structure is and what it does. This section is then completed with a  definition and explanation  of the concept of how a Structured Psychodynamic  approach, again, in this instance  referring specifically to TRT, lends itself to the strategic address of psychological trauma and what the DSM and  everybody else calls PTSD as it presents in and affects the decision making processes of systems. They can and do  include relationships, multiple relationships such as those presenting in and as families, organizations engaged in  crisis management activities as occurs in military, medical, some social management (shelters for battered spouses) and criminal justice operations.
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              At ETM TRT SHOM’s Core is its meaning to and of            “Structured and Strategic Psychodynamic
TRT ETM and SHOM combine to provide a Structured and Strategic Psychodynamic approach to the treatment  and management of psychological trauma and PTS for both single and multiple sources of trauma affecting  individuals and systems. This first page in the section introduces, chronicles and distinguishes the more than thirty year history of this approach. Page two overviews the “structural” component as applied to individuals. The third  page summarizes the “strategic” element as it is applied to systems.
Main Overview Menu Introduction Pg 1 Strategic Pg 3 Structured Pg 2