
ETM is presented in this Tutorial and within the ETM School as a secular trauma management model. However, members of the clergy and pastoral counselors who are licensed within their own communities as professional counselors and after also becoming ETM trained and certified routinely administer ETM within a theological paradigm.

In addition, most ETM professionals and patients subscribe to religious or spiritual beliefs. As a rule, ETM does not interfere with those beliefs, and is certainly not intended to by this author.

ETM Training Environments -
Secular and Non Secular

If your clinical approach is primarily secular, for example, you do not incorporate theological interpretation into your clinical activities, then you may acquire your ETM training from a licensed trainer who conducts the ETM Professional Training School within that (secular) environment.

If, on the other hand, you do incorporate theology into your helping efforts, for example, you may be a government licensed or certified but Christian or other religious representative clinician, then you may select training from an ETM School where it is presented within a Christian environment.

In the latter, the trainers may provide outside (for example, in a parallel course) the ETM curriculum considerable dissertation on and discussion about the theology of psychological trauma. Or the parallel course may consider theology regarding ETM's application.

Please note that ETM training agreements require that theologically-based licensed ETM trainers conduct the ETM School in a manner that maintains the ETM curriculum in its original (secular) form. Through this agreement, religious counselors receive the same rigorous training focus on the ETM non secular theory of psychological trauma etiology that is accorded secular-oriented clinicians.

Where to Get ETM Training

See the Professional side of this Tutorial and select "Training," or go to "Contact Professional" in the right corner in the top window (click on the green ball on the right side of the heading), for a description of available ETM training approaches. At the time of this writing, the selections include secular and Christian training environments. Both can provide training and certification for ETM Counselors and also training and licensing for ETM Professional Trainers.

Although most religious groups have been represented (as participants in the ETM School) by clinicians, at this time I do not currently have trainers available for religious persuasions other than Christian. I hope to provide ETM through such qualified (Licensed ETM) trainers as this Tutorial makes ETM available, but only where appropriate culturally to the people involved with other religion based.



