The Etiotropic Trauma Management* Series

Annotated Contents


By Jesse W. Collins II



Establishment of the Etiotropic trauma treatment and management (crisis management systems as in schools and the military) epistemology and paradigm began in 1979 with the initiation of the development of Trauma Resolution Therapy™.* Thanks to the State of Texas’ facility licensure and Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations credentialing and managerial influences on ETM TRT’s application in our 6 licensed psychological trauma and  family Chemical Dependency treatment facilities, I was able to document under close and rigorous supervision for compliance (annual audits) every step of the development process. That documentation is consolidated in the Etiotropic Trauma Management Series. This paper is the annotated contents for the Series.


Every book in this contents is provided in the ETM Tutorial for free online reading. Additionally, the materials noted herein support professional applications of ETM TRT. Although the information supports non ETM TRT trained and certified researchers, it is not intended for general interest reading. Nor may it be used in self help applications. Not only is ETM TRT not a self help program, but the model must only be used in conjunction with facilitation by a government licensed clinical professional who is also trained and certified by the ETM Certifying Authority as authorized to apply ETM TRT to patients. ETM TRT is strictly administered to the public only through professional management and clinical services provided by licensed professionals and facilities after proper evaluations have been conducted for determining the appropriate application of ETM TRT  for the trauma affected individual patient and family. When I have completed training professional staff to administer ETM TRT in all geographical areas of the country, then I will publish an information based book for full distribution to the public.


This annotated contents frames our work of the past 30 plus years. It presents the first purely Etiotropic clinical model, management paradigm and attendant epistemology created in and primarily for western civilization. I am the author having sole responsibility for the writing. My wife, Nancy Carson, participated in the founding and development of the treatment chain where the original Etiotropic focus was born. She also read and edited the beginning manuscripts produced in the 1980s. Hence, I include her as a co author on the original books and articles. Following her struggle with Breast Cancer, she now has Lymphoma Leukemia. Because of that disease’s influences coupled with severe head injury received in an auto accident in 1997, she is retired from the management – dissemination effort which makes ETM TRT available globally to appropriate cultures.


For the past 25 years, Craig Carson has provided the professional training described herein, making ETM TRT a well known modality in certain portions of the trauma treatment and management world. For that wonderful contribution to this thesis and helping application, Nancy and I consider him to be one of the original developers of the training component of this model, paradigm and epistemology. Without S. Craig Carson, there would be no individual and systemic cure for psychological trauma and PTSD today.


Except for the independent studies, public and private school districts’ trainings of their managements and counselors in ETM TRT, and academic presentations hosted by the referenced educational institutions, the activities summarized in this series were privately funded.


Titles, Independent Studies, Dates, Uses, Availability



Etiotropic Trauma Management Tutorial;
Contains All books and information listed below in this Contents for the Etiotropic Trauma Management Series



EtiotropicTM: “Cure” “Integrity” “Only Complete Trauma Management Paradigm”

"The most effective and comprehensive crisis management and trauma (PTSD) treatment program in the country."

Department of Defense Independent Military Study of ETM TRT; Senior Officer 1992.




ETM TRT Professional Due Diligence for the 1st Secular Cure of PTSD Book VIII; Houston, TX; Published by N. Carson, 2009. Soft cover – perfect binding; 208 pgs. This book contains the 279 entry bibliography for the complete “Etiotropic Trauma Management Series.”





Strategic ETM TRT Combat Trauma-Guerrilla War Terrorism's Pathogenesis and Cure. Addendum. Applying ETM TRT to Crisis Management Personnel and Organizations;  Book IV; 147 pgs. Angel Fire: Published by N. Carson, 2009. Available



Trauma Resolution Therapy: TRT Educational Program Presenter's Handbook. Angel Fire: Published by TRT Institute, 1992. 647 pgs Comb bound; Available through special order to ETM School students.




Neurobiology of Psychological Trauma Etiology and  Its Reversal with Etiotropic Trauma Management. 1st edition 1994; Angel Fire, NM. USA: Pub. TRT Institute; 2009; Perfect Bind, 189pgs; Free EBook, 2003; originally published as an article in The Integrated Trauma Management System; an Etiotropic approach to psychological trauma; currently the book is reprinted as Chapter 7 in Etiotropic Trauma Management Trauma Resolution Therapy Training and Certification (2004). It is the correlated text (with quizzes) for the online school.




Trauma Resolution Therapy: A structured psychodynamic approach to the treatment of post-traumatic stress Book I. Houston: Houston Psychological Trauma Center, 1988. Perfect bound Special Cover, 619 pgs. Purchasable in the secondary market as a collector’s book. As an example of the ‘collector item’ fact, the no longer in print book’s price on Amazon in 2007 was $384.00.




The Integrated Trauma Management System:  An Etiotropic Approach to Psychological Trauma.  Houston, Texas, TRT Institute, 1990; 652pgs. The book no longer attends ETM TRT training, having been replaced with updated materials. The majority of this text was published in the ETM Tutorial between 1994 and 1995 making it available for free study and review of ETM TRT.



Etiotropic Trauma Management Trauma Resolution Therapy Training Certification; 2004; Pub. N. Carson; printed Albuquerque, NM, USA; Comb Binding, 8 ½” by 11”, 654pgs. 4.75lbs. Current text for the online ETM TRT Training and Certification School.




Cohibition: a cooperative approach to the prevention of chemical dependency, psychological trauma and related violence and crime; TRT Institute; 1985; comb bound; 125 pgs; not available




ETM Professional Training and Certification School Curriculum Guide: TRT Institute; 1990; Available to ETM TRT Training Certification School Presenters 65 pgs.



“ETM TRT Slide Lecture Series”; 1534 slides, in 39 lectures; 1992; For ETM TRT Presenters of the ETM TRT Training Certification School (local school refers to non online classes)



































ETM TRT Counselor Training and Certification School; Locally attending versions included

·         University of Houston 3 month 2 hr. per class version. An advanced component of the U of H Chemical Dependency Counselor Training Curriculum supporting counselor state certification - licensing; 1985 – 1990; Houston, TX. Following the development of the 5 consecutive day school for combat crisis managers described next, the counselor training focus from this curriculum was adapted into the 5 day training format.

·         The Department of Defense began an independent study of ETM TRT by Chaplains and PTSD clinical experts who were commanding officers of the principal military educational and medical treatment institutions (for example, Walter Reed Hospital and Brooks Burn Center) in May, 1990; to facilitate that effort, I created a 44 class hour school which could be completed in one 5 consecutive day period; I also authored an attendant consultation report that provided theory and guidelines for the application of ETM TRT starting in theater at the battle site and continuing the trauma’s address in affected individuals and systems all the way home. This combat component is now consolidated into the crisis management and ETM Strategic application text referenced above as Book IV.

·         Created originally for School Districts in Texas and eventually training and certifying approximately 1200 educational managers (Superintendants, Principals, Counselors and medical personnel), this 52 hour in one week version focused on implementation of ETM TRT in schools for the primary purposes of intervening upon, reversing and then expunging psychological trauma’s deleterious management systemic effects caused by criminal, drug, mental health, accident and natural disaster initiated violence. Recommended since 1989 by ETM TRT trained large TX school districts, for example, McAllen and La Joya, which were also vulnerable to the drug trade and violence along the Texas southern border with Mexico. Another (in addition to the Department of Defense study referenced above) independent study was conducted by an El Paso, TX school district between 1992 and 1994. Craig trained 50 counselors, principals, superintendents, and medical personnel who managed violence and traumas’ effects on 15,000 students. The study’s conclusions and recommendations were announced at the Texas Education Agency (TEA) annual conference (6000 Attendees) for Superintendants, Principals, Counselors and medical personnel held on September 4, 1994. In the study’s conclusions, ETM TRT was stated to be the best trauma management model available nationwide for the resolution and removal of individual and systemic traumas’ effects on students, teachers and all educational management personnel. The model was stated to be effective for the dissolution of violence. ETM TRT achieved all its goals. The study recommended that “TEA train and certify in ETM TRT’s administration every educational manager in every school district in Texas,” totaling approximately 25,000 educational managers in 1165 districts statewide. By the end of 1995, we had established ETM TRT in 165 of those total Texas districts. Regrettably, the illnesses and injuries affecting Nancy and me ended the school district ETM TRT training effort in early 1996, excepting 3 follow up trainings that Craig conducted through 1999 in Texas’ Region 2 (Texas Gulf Coast) where the ETM TRT independent districts networking model was being employed over 74 connecting districts.



ETM TRT Online Training Certification School.

for ETM  Counselor Students


Alcoholism Magazine; April, 1985; This article introduced TRT to the Chemical Dependency treatment profession and industry. Regrettably, the article was edited by the magazine to reflect its understandings of Chemical Dependency, trauma and loss rather than the authors’.  Although the piece establishes Trauma Resolution Therapy and the Etiotropic epistemology as a new issue of study in the peer journal medium, ETM TRT theory is not presented accurately.




Texas DWI Evaluation and Treatment Diversion legislation (1984) attended by application in Harris (Houston), McAllen, and Brownsville of non profit private sector only treatment for qualifying DWI offenders – probationers (screening 2950 offenders per month).



The Trauma Resolution Therapy (TRT) Patient Education Program


These booklets were developed between 1981 and 1986 and then formally published in 1988. They support patient and therapist uses and applications of ETM TRT. Originally, the materials were combined into larger books that included instructions for addressing all 5 TRT phases. However, because of the particular nuances of defense employed by our patient populations, when clients reviewed the entire approach (all 5 phases) at once, they focused on completing the structural component of TRT (filling in the blanks) more assiduously than did they concentrate on the most important resolution element of the therapy. It included the temporary incremental induction of fusion between patient and therapist – or group members when TRT facilitated their daedal approach to the most critically damaged elements of the reality system. In that kind of misuse of TRT, the model was inadvertently turned to meet Cognitive Behavioral Therapy goals otherwise attending Nosotropic clinical environments. That is, patients used the structure to try to control symptoms rather than to resolve the trauma. In contrast to the Nosotropic modality, the goals of TRT’s Etiotropically focused method only used the structure and interactions with the therapist and group members to reverse the trauma’s etiology. After thoroughly learning that lesson by 1985, we returned to the use of the individual booklets distributed as the patient progressed through the etiology – survival response sequela, and made the larger full application view available for review in the online ETM TRT Tutorial. They are available only through ETM TRT Certified Counselors as clinical aids, having been consistently so since 1988.


Supporting Booklets for all TRT Participants


Welcome to Trauma Resolution Therapy

The Secrets of Trauma Resolution

Chemical Dependency, Trauma and Loss

Grief, Structure and TRT

Giving Feedback in TRT:  For All TRT Group Participants


Patient Instructional Aids for Specific Sources of Trauma


People Affected by Combat and other Crisis Management Employment


How To Do TRT Phase One: For People Affected by Combat

How To Do TRT Phase Two (The Matrix): For People Affected by Combat

How To Do TRT Phases Three and Four:  For People Affected by Combat

How To Do TRT Phase Five: For People Affected by Combat


Chemically Dependent People


How To Do TRT Phase One: For Chemically Dependent People

How To Do TRT Phase Two (The Matrix): For Chemically Dependent People

How To Do TRT Phases Three and Four:  For Chemically Dependent People

How To Do TRT Phase Five: For Chemically Dependent People


Spouses, Adult Children, Parents and Other Partners of  Chemically Dependent People


How To Do TRT Phase One: For Spouses, Adult Children, Parents and Other Partners of  Chemically Dependent People.

How To Do TRT Phase Two (The Matrix): For Spouses, Adult Children, Parents and Other Partners of Chemically Dependent People.

How To Do TRT Phases Three and Four:  For Spouses, Adult Children, Parents and Other Partners of Chemically Dependent People.

How To Do TRT Phase Five: For Spouses, Adult Children, Parents and Other Partners of Chemically Dependent People.


Victims of Crime


How To Do TRT Phase One: For Victims of Crime

How To Do TRT Phase Two (The Matrix): For Victims of Crime

How To Do TRT Phases Three and Four:  For Victims of Crime

How To Do TRT Phase Five: For Victims of Crime



* Although the symbols are not integrated into each of this content’s titles,

Etiotropic Trauma Management™ and Trauma Resolution Therapy™ are protected US Trademarks


© 1979 – 2009 All rights reserved