Etiotropic Trauma Management

Trauma Resolution Therapy


Counselor, Associate Counselor, Manager and Counselor in Training Clarification of Certification Information and Agreements

Pronouncement and Agreement 2.0 (1st primary update since 1986)

This is Pronouncement 2.0 dated July 31, 2009



Competence and permission to administer ETM to members of the public are provided through completion of the ETM Professional Training School and compliance with the ETM Certification Agreement. It is supported by this document updated in 2009. The School, ETM Certifying Authority and the Agreement, together, are referred to as the ETM Professional Training and Certification Program.

ETM Certification Clarification
Posted 7/31/2009

ETM TRT Certification does not give permission to any person to administer TRT or any counseling service to any one unless the respective state government authorizes that service to be provided through its clinical provider licensing programs.M


ETM  Trainers Certify that an individual has completed the ETM TRT professional training course.  The ETM Certifying Authority certifies ETM course graduates as Certified ETM TRT Counselors, Associate Counselors, Managers, Counselors in Training and or Trainers.



Establishing ETM Certification

Since the ETM School's beginning in 1986, virtually all ETM School qualifying graduates have elected ETM certification. Upon completing the ETM School, these professionals have agreed that the rationales and guidelines that underpin ETM certification are necessary for the ethical transfer of proper authorizations to administer ETM to the public. Those rationales and guidelines are explained in this section.

Purposes and Ethical-Legal
Underpinnings of ETM Certification

ETM certification serves 3 purposes. First, it provides professionals with specific criteria and guidelines for the authorized administration of ETM. Second, certification assures members of the public who are seeking assistance via the ETM model that it will be delivered within a reasonable standard, the same one that provided the motivation for the referral. Third, the certification process meets natural responsibilities shared by the authors of ETM and its administrators (ETM counselors, associate counselors, managers and Licensed Trainers).

ETM's authors and their representatives, supervisor trainers, are meeting their responsibilities to the model's end users, trauma victims, by ensuring that ETM counselors, associate counselors, managers, and Licensed Trainers receive the training necessary to administer ETM: its theory is properly conveyed to and understood by the prospective ETM professional. The administrator completes the shared responsibility (shared duty to the end user) relationship by agreeing to comply with the criteria and guidelines for the proper administration of ETM as delineated in the text, the ETM School, and in accordance with the criteria and guidelines for the delivery of professional services governed by the professional's primary licensing authority and attending organizational management standards.

The method for consummating the arrangement between the ETM author(s) and ETM counselors, managers, and Licensed Trainers is the ETM Counselor (also manager and presenter) Certification Agreement. Consequently, ETM Certification, as stipulated in the pertinent ETM (Counselor, Manager, or Presenter) Certification/ (License for Trainers) Agreement, provides a framework through which all parties involved in the ETM model's disseminations can meet their ethical responsibilities to the public. With noted exceptions, facilitation of ETM by non ETM certified professionals or individuals abrogate this framework. Thus, facilitation by non ETM trained or certified professionals or individuals is not, except under the referenced special conditions, authorized by the ETM certifying authority.

Kinds of ETM certifications:

Certified ETM Counselor


The Certified ETM Counselor designation provides recognition that an appropriately credentialed professional has successfully completed the ETM Professional Training School (including the online school and its beta version) and is in compliance with the ETM Counselor Certification Agreement. An appropriately credentialed professional, in this use meaning that the professional retains a valid license, certification, or degree from a recognized authority, for example, a state government or academic institution, to provide therapeutic assistance to the public. Examples of an appropriately credentialed professional include, but are not necessarily limited to, psychiatrists, psychologists, MSWs (Masters in Social Work), licensed professional counselors, chemical dependency counselors, some pastoral counselors (referring to those who retain a publicly approved and granted license), and people with advanced counseling degrees (where no government licensing authority prevails).

The Certified ETM Counselor designation authorizes professionals to administer, within the parameters of the professional's own (primary) licensing or certification authority, the ETM program. ETM Certification does not provide the authority to participate in the delivery of psychotherapeutic services not recognized or otherwise covered under or in the professional's primary licensing program.

Certified ETM Associate Counselor

The second ETM Certification provides people who have a need to address or in other ways manage, or participate in the management of, psychological trauma, as such management falls within the purview of special organizational situations. "Special organizational situations" refer to those situations where government agencies, educational institutions, certain non profit (not referring to churches) like community based agencies, organizations and medically-based (hospital) programs require an employee to function as a participant in the management of trauma-causing events or people affected by such events,  and with regards to ETM TRT in a training role. Examples of organizations that meet the "special situations" criteria include, but are not limited to shelters and halfway houses for children / adolescents, battered spouses, and other similarly affected people. Other examples of people qualifying for the Associate ETM Counselor designation include, but also are not limited to, emergency medical services, administrative, nursing, school counselors, teaching and law enforcement personnel. The Associate ETM certification is valid only within the context of that, or similar, employment. The certification does not transfer to private practice, unless proper credentialing or special permission from the ETM Certifying Authority is otherwise attained.

Criteria / Limitations / Upgrades: Associate ETM Counselor

The Associate ETM Counselor certification is subject to the following limitations and criteria for the administration of the ETM program: 

  1. Assessment, evaluation and the formation of treatment strategies must be supervised (co-facilitated) by a Certified ETM Counselor.
  2. Facilitation of the TRT long form, all 5 written phases as applied to long-term trauma, must be supervised (co-facilitated) by a Certified ETM Counselor.
  3. Facilitation of the TRT short form for addressing near-term traumas must be supervised (co-facilitated) by a Certified ETM Counselor.
  4. Subject to ETM Certification Authority approval, the Associate designation may be upgraded (without retaking the training program) to Counselor or Manager certification upon acquisition of proper and legal credentialing within the particular clinical professional organization by the individual’s local governing authorities.

Certified ETM Manager

The ETM manager certification recognizes that a professional (not necessarily clinical) has completed the ETM School and agrees to apply, where organizationally appropriate, the approach to organizational management process and in a manner commensurate with the ethical and professional training guidelines governing the particular organization's operations. Examples of professionals who qualify for the ETM manager certification include school principals and administrators, school district superintendents, school counselors, emergency medical, fire and police chiefs, military officers, hospital/treatment facility administrators and hospital marketing personnel, and government agency supervisors and managers.

Licensed ETM Trainer (no further trainer licenses are available at this time in 2009)

The ETM Trainer license recognizes that an individual has successfully completed the ETM Trainer training process and is authorized to present the ETM School to the group of professionals designated (to receive ETM training) by the related ETM Training Module Agreement and in accordance with that agreement.

The ETM Licensed Trainer is authorized to provide ETM professional supervision to ETM Counselors, Associate Counselors, Managers and Presenters.

Students and Counselor-in-Training

A student and counselor-in-training (CIT) may attend the ETM School and acquire both the cognitive and experiential aspects of the theory for the purpose of eventually becoming an ETM certified clinician: the student or CIT may pass the exam and participate successfully in the experiential component of the curriculum. The CIT may receive a certificate noting completion of the school.

There are, however, some prospective differences for this participant's training and eventual certification from the training of licensed clinicians. For example, a licensed professional or person employed in a special position that requires an understanding of experiential forms of therapy is assumed by an ETM School Presenter to be thoroughly trained in such experientially-based models; the student or CIT, however, may or may not be so trained. Thus, the Presenter conducts this special training (for students and CITs) with an eye toward conveying some of the additional information that often accompanies such facilitation exercises; both the student and the CIT require more attention from a Presenter than is otherwise administered by the ETM School to other participants: the additional training is a function of the relationship between the Presenter and the student and is outside of the training scope of the standard ETM curriculum.

Accepting such a training relationship is the responsibility, choice, of the Presenter. We recommend that the student complete a prerequisite in grief resolution or client centered therapy, or have considerable practical experience in the use of these therapies before attending the ETM School. Regardless of whether the student or CIT successfully completes the ETM School, neither the student nor CIT qualify for associate ETM certification status unless the particular student or CIT is employed in a professional position that requires the special certification. The student or CIT may, however, upon the eventual attainment of a particular professional license or upon gaining pertinent employment recognized as appropriate ETM TRT on the job training by the ETM Certifying Authority, qualify for and be accorded either ETM Counselor Certification or associate certification, depending on the license attained or employment gained.

Clinical Certification Disclaimer

ETM certification does not provide permission to non credentialed / non professional people to administer the clinical component (TRT) of ETM to the public. Specifically, ETM certification does not provide authorization to any individual who is not properly trained and licensed generally as counselor to engage in the business of providing psychotherapeutic or other professional therapy services, to include providing those services in private practice settings.

ETM Certifying Authority

The certifying authority for the ETM certification program evolves from the precedent established through the program's historical existence and a natural need to ensure that professionals who administer ETM are properly trained and functioning in agreement with the guidelines for that administration as set forth in that program. Jesse Collins (and Craig Carson in his absence), by virtue of his (1) creation of the ETM model, (2) uncontested superior knowledge of the model’s functionings whereby that knowledge was gained as the model’s developer with his wife over 7 years in its highly credentialed clinical treatment settings, and its implementation of its strategic application in its numerous organizational management environments for initially 15 years, and then from staffing and supervision of clinical and strategic management issues for a full 30 years (by 2009), (3) rights and responsibilities as set forth in the ownership of the intellectual properties referenced in the ETM Tutorial and as attends copyright law, and (4) are the determiners of what constitutes being "properly trained" and administrative "guidelines." Any person designated by the author(s) as a Licensed ETM Trainer has the author's permissions to professionally convey ETM theory to other clinicians / managers and to recommend for ETM certification by the ETM Certifying Authority qualified professionals as ETM Counselors, Associate Counselors or Managers.


The ETM Certifying Authority may change or discontinue the ETM training and certification program as determined by that authority.





ETM TRT Counselor, Associate, Manager and Counselor in Training Certification Agreement



ETM certification is subject to this (following) agreement as it is attended by Pronouncement 2.0. 

Upon successful completion of the ETM TRT School, the Certified ETM Counselor, Associate Counselor, Manager, or Counselor in Training agrees to:

  1. Use the ETM model where appropriate for the purpose of helping people affected by psychological trauma to resolve that trauma (reverse its etiology) in accordance with the definition of trauma resolution (etiology reversal) provided in the ETM School, and in accordance with the guidelines for administering the ETM TRT models, as those guidelines are presented in the ETM Tutorial information system; questions, interpretations or conflicts regarding the phrase “in accordance with” administration of ETM TRT are, respectively, answered, provided, or reconciled only by the ETM Certifying Authority and for validity must be given in writing by the ETM Certifying Authority.
  2. If a theoretical disagreement between the Certified ETM Counselor and the information system arises pertaining to the proper application of ETM TRT to a particular academic issue, the ETM counselor will submit the disagreement and supporting documentation to the ETM Certifying authority in writing; that authority responds will respond in writing with a hypothetical solution that will be acceptable or not to the clinician who will either facilitate the model by the information system as directed or not use the ETM TRT model as a treatment option in instances that reflect the contradictions given the particular academic issues raised.
  3. In an actual as opposed to hypothetical case, if a conflict between theories arises, the clinician should always follow those professional standards which assure that no harm should occur to any patient while that counselor is providing his or her clinical services; the counselor should consider the prospectively conflicting theories and later reconcile any such conflicts with the ETM Certifying Authority, always administering the case under the ethical and legal standards first promulgated by the local governing authorities.
  4. Apply ETM ethically. The counselor will refrain from applying ETM in a way that interferes with other therapeutic processes. The counselor will follow the ethical standards governing the counselor's or therapist's particular discipline of professional study and practice.
  5. Refrain from soliciting people into the ETM program. "Solicit" means to "entreat." There is no restriction against offering ETM to anyone. "Offering" refers to notification of services and education about the same.
  6. Comply with the criteria for ETM Certification or Associate Certification; the preceding discussion provides the referenced criteria.
  7. Comply with copyright law when using all ETM materials and publications. Compliance includes not changing ETM TRT educational materials from the form presented by its authors, or copying or setting to celluloid or any storage presentation technology (like computer technology) any ETM TRT information without the express permissions of the author or his designated authority, in this instance to include Craig Carson. Note on the home page of that ETM and TRT and their full names, and all educational materials shown on the website, to include the ETM Tutorial, are federally registered U.S. copyrights and are given in addition to national U.S. Copyright Agency protection by international copyright authority.
  8. Not in engage in professional training unless designated as an ETM Trainer by the ETM certifying authority. "Training" means to impart the intellectual material with the intent that it may be used by a professional in the treatment of anyone or organizational management.
  9. There is no stipulation that precludes a Certified ETM Counselor's or manager’s providing ETM education and educational materials (created by the ETM authors) to professionals, laymen, or clients, as long as such provision is in accordance with copyright law and agreements with the ETM certifying authority. "ETM education" refers to the process through which people, including professionals, are informed about the ETM theories and methodologies, but without the intent to convey the information for the purpose of providing the receiver of the information with the authority to administer the ETM models to the public or to any person; professional ETM training must be provided by an authorized ETM Trainer.
  10. Regardless of the type of ETM TRT Certification acquired from the ETM TRT Certification Authority, an ETM TRT counselor will not engage in the facilitation of ETM TRT with any person if the counselor does not have approval from the local State or Federal governing authority to provide these or comparable clinical services in that community and regardless of employment obligations that may require an individual to provide such otherwise illegal counseling services.
  11. Although the Certified ETM Counselor, Associate ETM Counselor, ETM TRT Manager, and Counselor in Training designations are currently permanent, they are conditional on compliance with this agreement.  Compliance is determined and interpreted by the judgments and decisions of the ETM TRT Certifying Authority. For emphasis, place counselor initials here ___________ to acknowledge having read and understood this paragraph.

Clinical ETM TRT Certification Disclaimer

ETM TRT certification does not provide permission to non credentialed / non government authorized professional people to administer the clinical component (TRT) of ETM to the public. Specifically, ETM certification does not provide authorization to any individual who is not properly trained and licensed by state or other government authority to engage in the business of providing psychotherapeutic or other professional therapy services, including TRT, and to also mean providing those services in private practice or any agency settings, non profit or otherwise.





Counselor Signature           Acronym for Basic Credentials                           Date





Representing the ETM Certifying Authority                                                  Date