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This is the clinical section. It shows you how to identify and reverse long-term trauma etiology.

Clinical Overlaps with Fast Help

Near term trauma etiology identification and reversal are, although clinical actions, explained in the Fast Help Immediate and Intermediate Trauma Response Protocols. There the clinical action is incorporated into the traumatic event site management, and then continued into the period (approximately and generally speaking 90 days) immediately following the event.

As you will see, near- and long-term trauma for an individual can overlap. Thus, expect overlap between this section and ETMN Fast Help.

Clinical and Fast Help Overlap with Strategic

In addition, clinical responses overlap organizational management ones. For example, addressing etiology (caused by near- or long-term trauma) as it has occurred for the individual participants of an event can have positive systemic, including organizational management, influences; reverse individual and systemic trauma etiology, and preempt individual and collectively manifested symptomatology. This preemtive process produces strategic benefits for organizations otherwise affected by traumatic events.

Although the groundwork for the referenced organizational management (strategic) benefits is provided through the ETM clinical response (described in this and the ETMN Fast Help sections), the ETM management responses required to facilitate these benefits are described in the "ETM Strategic" section. And like the overlap between the Clinical and Fast Help sections, there is also overlap between them and the Strategic element of the site. Overlaps are referenced.

Theory Overlap

The "About ETM" (Theory, Comparison, Contrast, Development, Bibliographical) section(s) support this Clinical section and the Fast Help ones. In addition, ETM facilitation principles and guidelines discussed in the "About ETM" (theory) sections are duplicated in this section.

Patient Education

There are two Patient Education sections included in this Clinical one. The first (found under this "Contents / Assessment - Entry / Entry / Patient Education") provides explanations of what, when and how to apply patient education.materials during the entry and treatment application component of the clinical process. The second is a duplication of the patient educational information materials otherwise provided in the "Patient Educational Informational" section. These materials are included in the "Clinical" section so that if you've only downloaded that segment, then you can read the information being simultaneously viewed by your patients. You can stay current with their understandings and perceptions of the clinical process as they proceed through it; that currency will allow you to provide greater support in their efforts to identify and reverse trauma etiology.



