Strategic ETM
There are two kinds of ETM Strategic Trauma Responses. They are "Extraordinary"
and "Standard."
ETM Extraordinary Trauma Operations
Some traumatic events are planned, caused and their emotional consequences
used for strategic purposes. They can be to advance a political or pecuniary
interest. When trauma is exploited in this manner, the strategic trauma
methodology is referred to (in ETM terms) as an "offensive trauma management
Examples of offensive trauma management tactics include the uses of:
certain kinds of violent crime intended to intimidate a polity or community's
terrorist acts to alter a government's policy.
guerilla warfare to immobilize military combatants and their leadership.
Offensive trauma management tactics target:
unsuspecting civilians or even ready (and non ready) military combatants
their organizational management structures
Offensive trauma management tactics implant individual and systemic trauma
etiologies because when they are not addressed, they can be relied upon
to produce individual and systemic symptomatologies. They, then, discombobulate
the targeted management apparatus. Specific examples of trauma-induced
organizational management impairment are provided in About/ Theory/ Crisis
The primary offensive trauma management target is the highest management
position in the opposing system. The position includes its advisors and
support personnel. Individual and systemic symptomatologies are easily
manipulated to achieve the offensive trauma manager's objectives.
While the targeted management is disabled by the etiology (implants) and
symptoms, the offensive trauma managers, they are the perpetrators of the
trauma, then get or take what they want.
Strategic ETM Extraordinary Trauma Response is intended to counter offensive
trauma management tactics. It interprets those tactics and counters by
reversing the implanted etiologies that are being established at the targeted
Hierarchical (highest) management etiology reversal must occur first. It
is emphasized in this strategy because strengthening that level of management
against the onslaught of individual and collective symptoms can immediately
restore a strategic counter to the offensive management strategic application.
This counter is needed rapidly so that it may provide the leadership required
to remove the trauma's effects from the remaining elements of the targeted
system and individuals.
Restore - defend strategic leadership quickly and expect to:
intercede the traumatic sequelae that will otherwise adversely affect
the rest of the system
preempt individual and collective survival response, including management's
deleterious and sometimes revictimizing survival responses
strengthen democratic - collective management force; make it cohesive
use it to make the offensive trauma management methodology obsolete
The sections entitled Strategic/ Criminal Violence/ Civilian
Terrorism/ Guerilla Warfare explain how to accomplish these
tasks within the respective topical headings.
Standard Trauma Operations
ETM strategic theory for ETM Standard Trauma Operations is different from
Extraordinary Trauma Operations. They are ETM strategic counters to heinous
events contrived to disable the protecting management apparatus. To be
strategically successful, those ETM counters require immediate identification
and reversal of trauma etiology at the highest management level. Standard
Trauma Operations, on the other hand, are addressing individual and systemic
traumatic events that are not contrived. Hence, the urgency to reverse
higher level management etiology is not as great.
Examples of traumatic events addressed by strategic ETM Standard Trauma
Operations include (but are not limited to:)
Natural catastrophe - disaster (floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquake)
Criminal violence (but where the primary target is not the community's
management authority)
Even though these events are not (as a rule) contrived for purposes of
disabling a community's management authority, the events still create individual
and systemic traumatic etiology and symptomatologies that encompass not
just the obvious victims, but the responding management apparatus as well.
Consequently, strategic ETM Standard Trauma Operations also require address
of trauma etiology at victim and management levels.
Furthermore, the same general strategy for identifying and reversing individual
and systemic trauma etiology applies. Address management etiology first.
Strengthen management's capacity to then identify and address lay person
trauma etiology.
Specific theoretical aspects of individual and systemic trauma etiology
and symptomatology are discussed in About/ Theory/ Crisis
Management. Specific application steps for countering individual
and systemic trauma etiology and symptomatology are provided in Strategic/
Standard Trauma Operations.