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Neurobiology of Trauma Etiology Reversal
(Biology of Resolution)

Principles of Resolution

Within ETM theory and application, there are 3 facilitation principles for reversing trauma etiology, and using the patient perspective synonym - "resolving trauma"; the principles pertain to the biological dynamics of reversal - resolution. They are described here.

Clinical Use of Existentialism

The "clinical use of existentialism" refers to the application of methods that generally emphasize "acceptance of the person," as opposed to methods that emphasize the "need to change behavior" or methods that enforce compliance with social norms. Grief resolution provides an example of an acceptance modality. The clinical use of existentialism accords a special value to the biology of resolution. Once that reinstatement or reconstitution of identity is initiated, the brain integrative component will provide for the necessary alterations or realterations in neuronal functional and structural chemistry, including finding the appropriate combinations between experience and the time required for neuronal (synaptic and dendritic) growth to complete the integration started after the event occurred. The brain integrative process is facilitated through neuronal learning. It is described in the next subsection.

The clinical use of existentialism is also considered to be a necessary counter to the first interfering variable, stoicism; if stoicism were not the predominant philosophy of life, there would be little need for the emphasis on existentialism.

Neuronal Learning

Generally, the term "neuronal learning," as it is applied to etiology reversal, refers to the neurological process through which the neuronal functions and structures of pre trauma existential identity are reconstituted into functional and structural modes equal to or the same as those that existed before the trauma occurred, but within the context of the current and new reality. Specifically, "neuronal learning," when used in the context of Trauma Resolution Therapy's application, refers to the processes through which:
  1. long-term potentiation is strengthened for memory system two, the most integrative component of memory and the component that is placing the contradictions and the recollections of the event into past tense.
  2. the traces that retain the contradictions and the event as ongoing experiences are inhibited; contradicting and ongoing-event-recollection trace's LTP's are reduced.
  3. Long-term potentiation of the existential identity that existed before the event occurred is returned to its pre-trauma functionings: the pre-trauma probabilities that the synapse will transfer an action potential are restored to the probability levels enjoyed before the event affected the synapse.
  4. Memory system three (the survival system) is inhibited.


"Caring" means that one or more people, other than the trauma victim receiving the clinical application, focus their energies, attentions, thoughts, behaviors and emotions on the brain integrative process for the particular trauma affected person to which the therapy is being applied, and as that person is negotiating the integrative process. This "focus" translates during the clinical application to a conflux of identities: interactive support for the integrative process to the degree that neuronal learning is facilitated.

TRT's Structure Intercedes Upon Etiology: 
the Neuronal Effects of Psychological Trauma

TRT intercedes upon the neuronal effects of psychological trauma at 4 levels; the intercession facilitates the brain integrative response to trauma. This subsection explains that intercession.

The TRT Structure Removes the 
Influence of Interfering Variables

TRT's structure prevents the more obvious interferences with the brain's phylogenetic integrative capacities to do its job. That is, interfering variables are prevented from use as a condition of the therapy's administration; patients don't do stoicism philosophy or drugs during the course of the structure's application.

To preclude the use of stoicism philosophy means: prevent the use of any survival system (3) strengthening methods; such survival strengthening methods can include teaching people to be responsible, mandating their accountability, and helping them to regain or maintain control through the repetitive use of cognitive-behavioral applications -- slogans.

I'm aware that these methods are held in high esteem within our society and that setting them aside during the application of TRT will be, for some people, difficult. However, these methods, born of stoicism philosophy, will only interfere with the phylogenetic integrative process; they should not be utilized simultaneously with TRT, regardless of their philosophical and methodological merits when they are being applied to other situations, like when learning to be a good citizen, conscientious marital partner, or valued employee.

Moreover, people can still be taught to be responsible, accountable, etc., after TRT is over, assuming they (the patients) still need the advice. Our experience has always been that they usually do not and that offers of such advice are only required when no one surrounding the trauma victim knows how to reverse the etiology.

When we say that drug use is precluded, we are speaking of discontinuing the use of opiates (exogenously introduced), pharmacological therapies and alcohol. These exclusions extend to the periods between sessions. Obviously, chemically dependent people have to stop using drugs entirely before they can participate in TRT -- the biology of chemical dependency is addressed in the referenced bibliographical section. Observations of the effects of the various kinds of drug use on the application of TRT are provided in About/ Theory/ Drug Use. The pharmacological therapy issue is addressed in the often referenced bibliography..

The prevention of the use of these interfering variables provides for the application of existentialism during the administration of TRT. As indicated, the clinical use of existentialism provides for a return of the brain's integrative phylogenetic capacities which have been interrupted by the unbalanced emphasis placed by the interfering variables on memory system three (the survival system). Once the therapy is completed, participants can return to the use of the survival philosophy or drug of choice (excepting chemically dependent people) without concern that such philosophies or use will interrupt the brain's integrative functions (as they are related to the trauma-causing event and effects at issue). This does not mean that we recommend social drug use as a life-style; the lifestyle is not a subject of this book.

The TRT Structure Directly Inhibits 
Memory System Three (Temporarily)

In addition to the inhibition of memory system three through the strengthening of memory system two, the TRT structure also has a directly inhibiting effect on memory system three while the therapy is being applied. This effect is facilitated through the use of the structure to describe the trauma-causing event, the emotional response to it, the contradictions to existential identity, the losses that have resulted from the contradictions, and the identification of the specific survival responses. Through this therapeutic experience the specific neuronal processes involved in providing the denial proffered by memory system three are themselves countered -- inhibited. In addition, the integrative command will begin to rely on the use of the structure more so than rely on the survival system. This new reliance on the structure also directly inhibits memory system three. And finally, the specific injunctions by the therapy to refrain from engaging in behavioral-change activities while doing the therapy (see "How to Do TRT Phase Three"), not only support the use of existentialism as the principal underpinning of the reinitiation of the brain integrative command, but the injunctions (if followed) also directly inhibit the survival memory system three by providing a direct (cognitively applied) counter to its use.

These direct inhibitions on survival memory system three are not adequate by themselves to reverse the long term potentiation developed by memory system three and that is still responding to the organism's natural need for a new memory system to manage the organism while memory system one is still incapacitated. The reader will recall that this incapacitation is a result of extinction (caused by the traumatic event) of the neuronal traces comprising the existential aspects of identity and that the primary means of ending the need for memory system three completely is the restoration of memory system one to its pre trauma existence and functioning.

Such restoration occurs through the strengthening of memory system two. Thus, the direct inhibitions of memory system three provided during the application of TRT are only temporary, stop-gap, influences; if the use of the structure is abandoned before memory system two has been fully strengthened and before existential identity is restored to its pre-trauma neuronal functional efficacy (= a return of LTP to its pre-trauma levels), memory system three will return to its post-trauma functioning and possibly again dominate systems one and two.

In other words, the direct inhibitions of memory system three, provided by the structure during TRT's application, are only intended as temporary methods that facilitate the use of the structure to strengthen memory system two and return the existential identity neuronal processes to pre-trauma functionings. This is accomplished, in part, through the structure's influences on PSR.

The TRT Structure Returns 
PSR to Optimal Functioning

The reader will recall from reading the previous chapter that PSR is interfered with through exogenous influences; they directly impede the PSR functions. Such influences include stoicism philosophy; it interrupts the distress vocalizations and supports denial of the memory of, and the pain associated with, the event. Moreover, drug use directly medicates the neuronal systems involved in providing those signalling components of PSR. Where a previous subsection explained how the interfering variables are excluded from the therapeutic process, and such exclusion returns the brain's integrative process to its usual functionings, this subsection describes the influence of the TRT structure on the return of the specific functioning of PSR to its ordinary capacities. This return supports the overall brain integrative function and the strengthening of memory system two.

A note before proceeding. We discuss signalling first and then protection, as the structure provides for the reinitiation of the signalling component first.


The beginnings of the TRT structure (TRT Phase One) provides for the identification of the event and the emotional response to the experience. Identification of the event itself removes the influences of survival memory system three's inhibiting effects on that recollection. The signal, the recollection of the event as ongoing, is fully restored. Accompanying this restoration is the use of distress vocalizations -- full and unimpeded catharsis. Importantly, the structure provides that this signalling is not only fully received by the organism and other people, but the structure also provides for a specific response from both the trauma victim (strengthening of memory system two) and these people. These two signalling methods will be used effectively within the parameters of the structure's application until they are no longer needed -- when memory system two places the contradicting influences upon the neuronal traces comprising existential identity into their historical context. Importantly, signalling will never disappear (albeit, they may again be quashed from consciousness through the resurgence of memory system three) until the contradicting inhibiting influences on identity are removed.


As previously explained, protection involves the use of alarm (fear) response and the use of analgesia to protect the organism (and its psychology) from the pain of the event, to include protecting the person from the experience provided by the distress vocalizations. In that regard, when the TRT structure provides for the descriptions of the event and the emotional responses to it, the experience of the fear is felt as it should be felt and unimpeded by interfering variables or the over-influence of memory system three. Like the experience of distress vocalization, the fear experience also facilitates strengthening of memory system two. Analgesia, another protective ingredient against pain, is also stimulated during the application of TRT's structure.

Importantly, the brain's integrative process, if unencumbered by the interference of disintegrating exogenous influences, will use the proper amount of fear, distress vocalization and protective analgesia that is appropriate for each person. In that regard, although the structure makes the use of these protection and signalling mechanisms available again and without encumbrance/impairment, it is the brain's integrative function that determines the degree of their usages. Thus, the existential variable of the therapy provides the brain's integrative component with the opportunity to coordinate this person's appropriate, that is, phylogenetically derived, interactions between the usages of signalling and protection.

A behavioral example of this phylogenetic effect is the cyclical experience of psychological movement between intense catharsis and numbness (denial) during the process of grief; the person will grieve deeply, making loud exclamations while crying (produced by the failure of opioids to bind on their appropriate receptors), and then stop crying and feeling altogether: a period of numbness (produced by the analgesia) ensues, which is then followed again by grieving and crying.


The effective use of the remedial components, to include the prolific production of adrenaline and noradrenaline for the purposes of enhancing neuronal learning, is reinitiated with the reinitiation of the unimpeded signalling and protection components of PSR. This neuronal learning enhancement is described in the next and last two subsections.

The TRT Structure Directly 
Strengthens Memory System Two

The reader will recall that memory system two is the integrative system that, through its growth and addition of the synapses and supporting morphology comprising the trace and strengthening of LTP, places the contradiction to existential identity (the inhibitory trace of memory system one) and the recollection of the event as an ongoing experience into its historical context. That "placement" has usually been, however, interfered with -- exogenous influences have strengthened memory system three's predominance over two and retarded the effectiveness of PSR, the processes needed to enhance neuronal learning.

As TRT's structure innervates PSR, inhibits the influence of memory system three, and restores the brain's use of phylogenetic (integrative) capacities, memory system two is allowed to continue its development. In addition to indirectly aiding system two's natural development, TRT's structure also has a direct bearing on the facilitation of the growth. This facilitation occurs through the identification, that incorporates the use of behavioral techniques, of the event causing the trauma; the values, beliefs, images and realities contradicted by the event, the contradictions themselves, and the loss that has resulted from contradictions.

"Behavioral techniques" refers to the methods through which the trauma victim is instructed to record these factors (the event, identity, contradictions, and loss) in the past tense. This recording is consciously initiated and emphasized repeatedly in writing; the recording is maintained with the support of the feedbacking processes (see Clinical/ Long-Term Trauma/ TRT Phases One - Five).

The effect is the cognitive-behavioral (direct) strengthening of long term potentiation of the neurons comprising the memory system two trace. Simultaneously, similar recording and expression of the emotional experience, supported by the feedbacking process, initiates PSR -- the emotional experiences (the experience of fear and distress vocalization) stimulate the prolific use of adrenaline and noradrenaline which enhance the learning ongoing in the memory system being focused upon through the combined cognitive-behavioral-experiential methods. LTP of the memory system two trace is strengthened rapidly.

Simultaneously, this strengthening is accompanied by neuronal structural change. That is, new synapses and dendrites used for connecting synapses and carrying the retrograde chemical messengers that reinforce LTP are grown, changed, or altered (cell plasticity is dramatically influenced). This physical change does not happen overnight. It takes as long as it takes; for some people and some kinds of trauma, the changes in synaptic plasticity may take hours. Others take weeks or months to develop the required synapses to effect neuronal learning: accommodate the entire trauma resolution process.

When the TRT structure is properly administered, it seldom takes longer than 1 year to complete the entire growth process, even for people who have been affected by the severest of traumas (including repetitive exposure over long periods to like trauma-causing events). Moreover, in our experience, the combined cognitive-behavioral-experiential process available through the application of the TRT structure will facilitate this neuronal change much more rapidly and precisely, and without a loss of the existential element required by the integrative process, than through the use of psychodynamic, to include grief, methods that do not use the structure.

The TRT structure's provision for the identification of the kind of (specific) loss, for example self-esteem, self-worth, trust, safety, security, family pride, etc., that result from the specific contradictions to existential identity, provides for the final neuronal strengthening of the memory system two. This strengthening involves the memory system two's neuronal learning to the degree that the learning serves as a measurement of the difference between the identity that existed before the trauma, the depreciation to that identity resulting from the trauma, and the restoration of the identity (see the last subheading entitled "Memory System Two Restores the Existential Identity Trace").

Through this neuronal measuring/learning process, memory system two places the loss, the contradictions, and simultaneously the event as it has been recorded in memory as an ongoing experience, into a historic context. This placement occurs through inhibition of the contradicting trace and inhibition of the ongoing event trace to the degree that they are now becoming extinct.

Under the definition of extinction, two things must happen: something new and countervailing is learned simultaneous with the reduction in LTP. In the case of resolution, the contradiction's and the event's becoming past tense are the new something that is learned and the LTP representing the old traces of the contradictions and the event as an ongoing experience are the LTP's that are reduced.

Extinction of these traces means that inhibitory influence affecting the original traces representing existential identity no longer exist -- the efficacy of LTP in the existential identity trace is restored. Moreover, the use of the cognitive (writing) methods for identifying existential identity contradicted by the trauma, also directly influences the return of that efficacy.

Restoration of existential identity LTP culminates in the ending of the incapacitation to the organism's psychological management, the ending of the need for the survival memory system three, and the ending of the need for PSR -- no more fear and fight or flight responses, distress vocalizations, ongoing memory recall, or trauma-induced adrenaline/noradrenaline activity. The trauma resulting from the contradictions to existential identity is resolved; the biological etiology is reversed.

Memory System Two Restores 
the Existential Identity Trace

In this and the previous chapter, much has been made about "restoration" of pre-trauma existential identity traces to their pre-event configurations. Additional explanation of this restorative process is required as it is influenced by the nature of the identity being contradicted and the circumstances surrounding the restoration.

The reader will recall that the event results in an opposite learning experience, which is one of the two elements of extinction, the other being a reduction in LTP. Moreover, the opposite learning experience, or the contradicting trace, is stored existentially also. That is, where the original trace is stored as an "Is," the contradiction is stored as an "is not," which results in a paradoxical (opposite) condition. Because there would be no contradicting trace without the trace being contradicted, the two traces are mutually inclusive -- they are interlocked into this paradoxical state of opposing truths.

When memory system two inhibits the contradicting trace, and the LTP of the existential identity is increased again to its pre-trauma levels, this is acceptable to the integrating component of memory system two when the value originally contradicted does represent the current reality. For example, a battered spouse may say during the integrative process that her or his values before the event were that he or she should not have been beaten, or life threatened. Neuronal restoration in this case translates psychologically to the acknowledgement that she or he should not be beaten, or life threatened, now. In some cases, however, the pre-trauma trace may no longer be applicable.

For example, where death of a loved one either accompanies the trauma or represents the event, the reality that "my loved one is supposed to be alive" is no longer appropriate. In such an example, the memory system two will inhibit the contradicting "is not" trace and supercede it with an integrative command -- "My loved one was alive." The existential identity, including all the memories related to the life of and relationship with that loved one, will be characterized as something that once was.

As the changes are made, the integrated change, that is, the "this was the existential identity" trace is no longer in conflict with the "is not" trace providing the original contradiction to existential identity. The opposite no longer exists. Thus, the paradox that results in the need for PSR no longer exists. The trauma is resolved; the biological and psychological etiologies are reversed.





© Jesse Collins 1992 - 2003
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